Friday, April 15, 2011

4/15/2011 Wet Weather Driving

Wet weather driving

Driving in the rain can be a safety challenge. According to the National Safety Council, losing control of a vehicle is avoidable by following these preventative measures.

Prevent skids by driving slowly and carefully, especially on curves. Steer and brake with a light touch. When slowing or stopping, don't brake hard or lock the wheels and risk a skid. Maintain mild pressure on the brake pedal.

If the car begins to skid, remain calm, ease off the gas pedal and carefully steer in the direction you want the front of the car to go. For cars without anti-lock brakes, avoid using the brakes. This procedure, known as "steering into the skid," will bring the back end of the car in line with the front. If the car has anti-lock brakes, brake firmly as you "steer into the skid."

To avoid hydroplaning, keep tires properly inflated, maintain good tread and replace them when necessary. Slow down when roads are wet and stay away from puddles. Try to drive in the tire tracks left by the cars in front of you.

If the car is hydroplaning, don't brake or turn suddenly. This could cause the car to skid. Ease off of the gas pedal until the car slows and you can feel the road again. If you need to brake, do it gently with light pumping actions. If the car has anti-lock brakes, then brake normally; the car's computer will mimic a pumping action, when necessary.

Stay safe on the roadways and always use caution when driving in inclement weather.

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